
30 June: needs to spread, faded.

15 July: leaves curling on a few, poor coverage, small leaves, didn't fill in like others, not great color, lanky, sunburnt, spindly, like the variation in color, overall plant looks bad.

30 July: leaves curled, very small leaves, not doing well in sun, patchy, too compact, not filling in well, doesn’t look good in mass, better in containers, great color variation, plants inconsistant but nice color.

15 Aug: diminutive, not flourishing in sun, poorest coleus, tiny, unimpressive, looks stunted, contrast of red and green in foliage, not as uniform.

30 Aug: very small leaves, looks malnurished, too compact, not good in full sun, lackluster, foliage poor, better in containers than landscapes, too small for landscape.

15 Sept: no deadheading needed, diminutive, stunted growth, stems too prominent, not very bold, overtaken, too small.